St. John's Northwestern Military Academy - Delafield, WI

Educational: Multiple Projects

Cord Hall at St. John’s Northwestern Academy

2015 Completed Project: Delafield, WI

St. John’s Northwestern Academies selected MSI General to design and renovate the second floor of Cord Hall to create a new collaborative learning environment. This open-concept space provides a modern, flexible, and welcoming environment for cadets to study, collaborate and access learning services. The Learning Commons features a computer lab used for programming classes, “Project Lead the Way” engineering classes, and general computer use.

War Memorial Room at St. John’s Northwestern Academy

2018 Completed Project: Delafield, WI

The renovated War Memorial Room was relocated from Farrend Hall Gymnasium to the rotunda of DeKoven Hall, just behind the Academy Crest in the rotunda. The crest and memorial room reinforce the pride in the Academy, the great cadets who have served past and present. The War Memorial Room is a tribute to academy men and women who died in service, starting from World War I through today’s war on terror. As a part of this project, the MSI General team worked with an Eagle Scout Cadet to organize the displays and support his newly developed on-line program to search for cadets who are memorialized.

Monumental Gate at St. John’s Northwestern Academy

2022 Completed Project: Delafield, WI